FunctionsFunctionsArgument ranges are indicated below by special letters: x: (-1 x 10E38, -1 x l0E - 38),(1 x l0E - 38,1 x 10E38) c: (0,255) n: (-32768,32767) str: string argument var: variable name
ABS(x) Computes absolute value. Y = ABS(X)
ASC(str) Returns ASCII code of first character of string. A = ASC(T$)
CHR$(c) Returns character for ASCII, control, or graphics code. P$ = CHR$(T)
COS(numeric) Returns cosine of an angle given in radians. Y = COS(7)
EXP(numeric) Returns natural exponential of number (Enumber) Y = EXP(7)
INKEY$ Gets keyboard character if available. A$ = INKEY$
INT(x) Returns largest whole number not greater than x. Y = INT(X)
LEFT$(str,c) Returns left portion of string. P$ = LEFT$(M$, 7)
LEN(str) Returns the number of characters in a string. X = LEN(SEN$)
LOG (numeric) Returns natural logarithm. Y = LOG(353)
MEM Finds amount of free memory. PRINT MEM
MID$(str,pos,len) Returns a substring of another string. If length option is omitted, the entire string right of pos is returned. PRINT MID$(A$, 3, 2) F$=MID$(A$, 3)
PEEK(n) Gets value in location n (n = 0 to end of memory). V = PEEK(18520)
POINT(x,y) Tests whether specified graphics cell is on or off, x (horizontal) = 0 - 63; y (vertical) = 0 - 31. The value returned is -1 if the cell is in the character mode, 0 if it is off, or the color code if it is on. See CLS for color codes. IF POINT (13,35) THEN PRINT 'ON'
RIGHT$(str, c) Returns right portion of string. ZIP$ = RIGHT$(AD$, 5)
RND(n) Generates a "random" number between 1 and n if n> 1, or between 0 and 1 if n = 0. V = RND(100) PRINT RND(0) R = RND(X)
SGN(z) Returns sign component: -1,0,1, if x is negative, zero, positive. X = SGN(A*B)
SIN(x) Computes sine; angle must be in radians. Y = SIN(X)
STR$(x) Converts a numeric expression to.a string. S$ = STR$(X)
SQR (numeric) Returns the square root of a number. V = SQR(5+3)
TAN (numeric) Returns tangent of angle given in radians. Y = TAN(45.7)
USR (n) Returns the result of a machine language routine call. Y = USR(-3144)** Store address of routine in 16918,16919
VAL(str) Evaluates a string as a number. V = VAL("100 DOLLARS")
VARPTR(str) Returns the storage location in memory of a string. V = VARPTR("100 DOLLARS") V = VARPTR(A$) |