Here’s a simple program to print the screen of the MC-10. It will print both text and low-resolution graphics. To use this program, simply enter it, together with your own BASIC program, or with another BASIC program. Insert a GOSUB 10000 at every place in the BASIC program where you want the screen printed. 10000’ MC-10/COLOR COMPUTER SCREEN PRINT FOR THE TP-10 10010 FOR ZL=0 TO 15 10020 FOR ZC=0 TO 31 10030 ZA = PEEK(16384 + (ZL*32) + ZC) 10040 IF ZA>127 THEN 10070 10050 IF ZA < 32 THEN ZA = ZA + 96 10060 IF ZA>95 THEN ZA=ZA-64 10070 LPRINT CHR$(ZA); 10080 NEXT ZC 10090 LPRINT 10100 NEXT ZL 10110 RETURN