After taking my MC-10 out of a drawer, I decided to re-run all those great programs I wrote and copied from different sources. One I came upon is particularly interesting, as I haven't seen any other application do as this one does :-D The following is an MC-10 program that enables (sort of) a graphics screen of 64x64 resolution: 0 CLEAR 2000:DIM L$(31):AI$=CHR$(157):AD$=CHR$(174):GOTO 20 1 CLS Z:POKE PP,SC:FOR X=U TO U:PRINT@AT,L$(RND(R));:PRINT@L,N$;: A=PEEK(KP) AND PEEK(DS):IF A=IZ AND L>U THEN L=L-U 2 IF A=DR THEN L=L+U 3 IF (PEEK(L+L1) OR PEEK(L+L2))<>CV THEN 5 4 P=P+U:X=Z:NEXT 5 FOR T=U TO CN:PRINT@L-T,EI$;:PRINT@L+T,ED$;:FOR G=U TO FT:NEXT G,T: SOUND ST,U 6 CLS:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT"SCORE:";P;"POINTS":PRINT:INPUT"ANOTHER GAME";J$: IF LEFT(J$,1)="Y" THEN P=0:L=16:GOTO 1 7 CLS:END 20 FOR I=2 TO 31:FOR N=1 TO I-2 25 NI$=NI$+CHR$(128):NEXT N:Q=N-1 30 FOR N=Q TO 29:ND$=ND$+CHR$(128):NEXT N 35 L$(I)=NI$+AI$+AD$+ND$ 40 NI$="":ND$="":NEXT I 45 L=16:PP=49151:SC=4:U=1:AT=480 50 R=31:N$=CHR$(169)+CHR$(150) 55 KP=17023:DS=2:IZ=49:DR=45 60 L1=16416:L2=16417:CV=128 65 EI$=CHR$(169)+CHR$(128) 70 ED$=CHR$(128)+CHR$(150) 75 FT=50:ST=230:CN=5:Z=0:GOTO 1 The program is based on the much used scroll-upwards screen effect of many many games; the scenario is the usual one: Pilot a craft through an endless stream of asteroids without getting hit. This time, the spacecraft resembles the Enterprise of Star Trek fame. After playing a lot with the MC-10 without any technical information on which to base my experiments I started POKEing here and there, most of the time locking up the computer; but then there were those moments when I found something useful. You were told that BASIC only could produce Lo-Res 64x31 graphics and that to achieve more ML had to be used... well, no entirely so!. One location I found that produced strange effects was LOC# 49151. When you POKE a 4 in there the screen garbles up, you can "see" something moving across when you type or list a program but that's that. After experimenting by printing the entire CHR$ set on that screen I came up with a hefty list of distinguishable characters (codes from 128 to 191) which correspond to the original TRS-80 Model I and III block graphics characters, though they do not have the same ASCII code. What the program above does is declare all its variables, assign all constants to a variable name and build the asteroid field. The body of the program is in such a way that the main part of it is at the beginning of the program list.... to speed up things a little bit. To play the game use the 1 and - keys and the Enterprise will move in the direction specified... watch out!! if you crash you actually see the ship split apart in two directions (nice huh?). One thing that I couldn't clean up is a flashing bar on the bottom of the screen. This is due for two reasons: a). When you print something on this screen the image unsettles a "bit". The asteroids are actually 31 STRING$ that include one asteroid in its particular position and the rest is filled up with black characters. b). Did not have any technical info on the MC-10 (still don't) and this thing was "discovered" by me on a long cloudy evening.... hacking on this micro. If someone has a technical insight on this subject please share it with all of us (the CoCo Comunity). Yes, it has been a w-h-i-l-e since the MC-10 came upon but there are still a lot of CoCo users that want to know a little "bit" more of the CoCo family. There is another file available with more information I prospected for in the MC-10, and it contains the conversion table for the 128-191 block graphics characters between the MC-10 and TRS-80 Model I & III computers and some info on RAM locations that can be quite useful. Rogelio Perea For any comments or suggestions please feel free to contact me, and remember: NO SASE required if you want a reply!! ^^^^^^^